Content to Marvel
Are we amazed by less and less? I remember a world without the internet, and cars without air conditioning. And I am not that old! But now we carry the internet in our hand, and cars park themselves. A self-parking car was material for science fiction when I learned to drive. Yet the newest commercial for a self-parking car does not amaze us, on our best days we muster a , “Hey that’s pretty cool.” Technological advancement, scientific discovery, and fascinating inventions have slowly eroded the first world’s capacity to be amazed. We tend to lean toward figuring out how something works, rather than being amazed. Inadvertently, this tendency to explain migrates into believers’ approach to the spiritual. Rather than amazement, we seek explanation. We define terms, create systems of discovering truth and present those truth in orderly fashion. In and of themselves, systems of truth and explanation are not devious. Yet, explanation is not always the proper response to the divine...